Butterfly Facts

Many cultures associate the butterfly with the human soul. Around the world, people veiw the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope and life.

10 Curiosities about Butterflies:

  1. Butterflies taste with their feet.
  2. Butterflies live on a liquid diet.
  3. Butterflies cannot fly if they are cold.
  4. Butterflies on average live only 3-4 weeks. They spend this time eating and mating.
  5. The wings of a butterfly are actually transparent. The colors we see are the effect of light reflecting off the tiny scales covering them.
  6. Many butterflies excrete zero waste.
  7. Some butterflies drink the blood from open wounds on other creatures.
  8. The Skipper Butterfly can fly faster than a horse can run.
  9. Male butterflies need nutrients and minerals found in puddles. Drinking from a puddle is called ‘puddling’, and a group of male butterflies puddling at the same time is called a ‘puddle club.’
  10. A group of butterflies is called a ‘flutter’.
More on butterflies: